When to use BAQSIMI
When to use BAQSIMI
If your blood sugar drops from low (mild or moderate) to very low (severe), you could have very low blood sugar, and that’s when BAQSIMI can help. BAQSIMI should be used if you’re having a very low blood sugar emergency, where you’re unable to eat or drink and need help from someone else. Some signs of a very low blood sugar emergency are feeling dizzy, shaking, sweating, having difficulty thinking or speaking, losing coordination, or even passing out. Your family and friends can help with BAQSIMI if you are conscious or passed out.
Video Transcript
BAQSIMI is used to treat very low blood sugar (severe hypoglycemia) in people with diabetes ages 4 years and above. Do not use BAQSIMI if you have a tumor in the gland on top of your kidneys (adrenal gland) called pheochromocytoma, you have a tumor in your pancreas called insulinoma, or you are allergic to glucagon, or any other ingredient in BAQSIMI.
Some days, it feels like time is flying by, that life is moving at a million miles per hour.
If you have diabetes and are on insulin, you need to be prepared for a low blood sugar emergency.
Let’s pause and take a moment to learn when to use BAQSIMI.
BAQSIMI should be used in a low blood sugar emergency, when you can’t safely eat or drink oral carbs and need help from someone else to recover.
Now, let’s flip back and talk about low blood sugar. There are three levels of low blood sugar: Mild, Moderate, and Severe. Severe low blood sugar is an emergency. And that’s when BAQSIMI comes in.
What does a low blood sugar emergency look like? It’s different for everyone, but possible signs include difficulty thinking and speaking, irritability, lack of coordination, shaking or sweating, seizure, or loss of consciousness.
With BAQSIMI, the people in your network, like friends and family, can be prepared to help you in a low blood sugar emergency.
Make sure they take a moment to flip through this information and also learn how to use BAQSIMI.
Now, the knowledge to be prepared is in your hands.
What is very low blood sugar?
You might experience different levels of low blood sugar: mild, moderate, or severe. Mild or moderate low blood sugar is common for people with type 1 diabetes and can occur in people with type 2 diabetes. If not treated, mild or moderate low blood sugar can progress and become severe.
Level of Low Blood Sugar | Glycemia Criteria |
MILD Level 1 | Blood sugar between 54 mg/dL (3.0 mmol/L) and 70 mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L) |
MODERATE Level 2 | Blood sugar less than 54 mg/dL (3.0 mmol/L) |
SEVERE Level 3 | An emergency situation where you need help from someone else to recover (no blood sugar level has been defined) |

Possible signs of a low blood sugar emergency include:
Lack of coordination
Inattention or confusion
Shaking or sweating
Seizure or loss of consciousness
If your blood sugar drops low enough that you need help to recover, that’s considered a very low blood sugar, also known as severe hypoglycemia. You may need help due to symptoms such as being confused, lacking coordination, being unable to swallow, having a seizure, or being unconscious.
Let those close to you know what the possible signs are so they can be more prepared to assist with BAQSIMI. With BAQSIMI, the people you count on can be prepared to help in a low blood sugar emergency.
Remember, BAQSIMI is for an emergency when blood sugar is very low.